Friday, May 8, 2009

Reunited and it feels so good

Introducing six adult female chimpanzees does not happen quickly. This introduction began with the two alpha females, Debbie and Jackie, then adding other members of each group gradually over one week. Daisy and George were added last as a precaution. Up until now, Bo and Binti had never encountered an infant.

Shortly before Daisy and George were introduced to the group, Debbie was reunited with them both. This was done for Daisy in order to alleviate some of the stress before meeting the Cleveland girls for the first time.

In this video, you can see that George and his Aunt Debbie have a special bond. Even after a week of seperation, George recognized, greeted, and played with Debbie immediately.


Theresa said...

He is so precious! I just can't get dnough of this little guy! When will there be another update? He will be one soon.

roxy said...

i really think this chimp is so adorable.i am 9 years old and i love monkeys!i cant wiat till i come and see gorge this will be my first time at knoxville zoo i am soooooo excited!!!!!!!